ASOLE- App Store Optimization- Limited Edition

@AppPromo we understand the importance of ASO (App Store Optimization).  That is why we created A S O L E  App Store Optimization Limited Edition. It is our breakthrough package to help you get started with your application’s best chance of being discovered.

Optimization of Your App Store Product Page is Key to Your App’s Success

It is the destination for all of your marketing efforts – ads, search, social media – and is the first thing users see when they come across your app within the app marketplace. We offer ASO services for New or Existing apps on iOS and Android platforms.

Benefits of App Store Optimization

  • Improve search results and immediate app comprehension within app store lists with an optimized name
  • Take advantage of app ranking opportunities with our category and sub-category recommendations
  • Improve brand recall and rapid app comprehension and increase conversion with icon & screenshots suggestions
  • Increase sales conversions and improve search discovery with a SEO focused Product Description

To ensure that you are leveraging the power of your app store page, choose from one of our App Store Optimization packages – rapid, ready-to-go services created to improve discovery, downloads and success of your app within any storefront.

Its easy to reach out to one of our ASO Specialists,  you can reach us on Skype, WhatsApp or Zoom, or email to get instant response and results.

How COVID-19 has created the perfect storm for App Developers Holiday 2020 spending.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected and changed the world in ways we could never have predicted. App Developers have not been spared from the difficulties and challenges that the pandemic has caused. However, one interesting finding from a recent survey conducted by @AppPromo is that over 90% of App Developers have seen more downloads as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Only less than 5% of the 540 Developers (USA and Canada) surveyed during the period from Oct 1-10, saw less downloads as a result of COVID-19.


The results also highlighted that App Developers are planning to increase their App Marketing 2020 Holiday spend. Over 67% of those responding are planning to spend more and they are planning to spend more now!  70% of Developers have already started spending in October and plan to spend over the months of November and December.


In the worst of times we see the best of times for App Developers. It is reassuring to note that the App Business has continued to grow during the COVID-19 pandemic with developers seeing more users and more revenue than previous times.  With consumers spending more time online, app usage and engagement is reaching all-time highs. All categories of have grown with a high percentage on games and productivity applications.


App Developers continue to put their dollars on performance media with large players (Facebook and Google) taking the major share of media spend. Not to be discounted, influencer marketing is continuing to play a part in the developer’s media spend. App Store optimization has continued to be an important ingredient in the mix.  However, the most important and no longer the secret sauce in app marketing success continues to be data analysis. The one- and only-way developers can increase and even guarantee their success is to understand and learn from user data, to help them navigate the complex and exciting app ecosystem.


🎄 Over 90% of App Developers have seen more downloads as result of the COVID-19 Pandemic

🎄Holiday App Marketing Spend increasing by 67% according to latest survey of App-Promo.

🎄 Over 90% of App Developers have seen more downloads as result of the COVID-19 Pandemic


Oct 13, 2020
Toronto, Ontario

App-Promo, an award-winning App Marketing Firm, is pleased to share the results of its Holiday Spend/Covid-19 App Marketing survey. Over the period of Oct 1-7th, 540 app marketers in the USA and Canada were sampled with three questions.

How has COVID 19 affected your App Marketing Spend this holiday season?  Over 67% of users responding said they would be spending more on app marketing over this holiday season, with 17% saying they would be spending the same amount.  Only 8.4% responded they would be spending less.

When will you be starting your App Marketing Holiday campaign spend? Over 67% of users responding said that they have already started their App Marketing Campaign spend in October, with the remaining 33% responding they would start no later than November 2020.

Are you seeing more or less app downloads as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?  An overwhelming 92% responded they are seeing more downloads, with no one responding they are seeing less downloads.

“In the worst of times we see the best of times for App Developers. It is reassuring to note that the App Business has continued to grow during the COVID-19 pandemic with developers seeing more users and more revenue than previous times” commented Gary Yentin, CEO of App-Promo.

In response to this increased demand and revenue, App-Promo is pleased to offer App Developers a 20% discount on its App Marketing Services for the Holiday period.  The goal is to empower the app community with professional and proven marketing services to help them make even more revenue during these challenging times.


About App-Promo
App-Promo’s ( mission is to educate, equip and assist app publishers (developers, brands, advertisers and agencies) succeed in the Business of Mobile Applications: App Strategy, Marketing & Monetization and App Store Optimization (ASO) services.

With over 3 million applications in the app marketplace today, App publishers can no longer lean on the idea that “if they build it, they will come”. We believe that a proper plan, a strong business model and a robust marketing strategy are necessary ingredients for any app to thrive in a saturated and noisy ecosystem. Follow us @AppPromo or contact

App Analytics are the secret to your App Success!

@AppPromo’s company mission is to help developers, brands, agencies and individuals understand the business of mobile applications. That is the reason we started the company and that is the basis for our success. App Analytics are a great tool for developers that offers powerful data. This is a step in the right direction in understanding the business of mobile applications.

@AppPromo is happy to share what we believe are the fundamentals of app analytics and what developers need to review analyze and understand trends on a daily basis! Simply download our white paper on App Metrics analysis and don’t hesitate to contact us to help you explore and navigate this powerful tool!

Download the Analytics deck now:-

UROn Social Challenge Platform Sees Rapid Growth While More People Are Staying Home and Downloading Mobile Games While Social Distancing During the COVID-19 Pandemic

TORONTO, June 9, 2020 /PRNewswire/ —

A small Toronto based start-up has created the world’s first social challenge platform called UROn. The platform has seen rapid growth in downloads and engagement of its mobile application ( which launch in March of 2020 in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The application is currently available in the Apple AppStore and Google Play Store

“We were surprised to see user growth of over 327% which exceeded our expectations,” said Jack Garabedian CEO of UROn. It has been rewarding to see users embrace and engage with the platform while staying at home and social distancing but still have the opportunity to interact with friends and family.”

With the UROn platforms users are encouraged to

  • Create freeform challenges with friends.
  • Get on the rewards board to win REAL PRIZES!
  • Get on the leader board for bragging rights!
  • Like and Comment on your friends posts or ask to Join In on their challenge!
  • See if you can win enough coins to be a UROn billionaire!

About URon

UROn is the world’s first social challenge platform. It’s a fun and simple way to capture challenges with your friends and share them with the world. Instead of a news feed or a picture feed, we have a challenge feed! To make it more interesting we’ve added virtual coins and fun emoji’s you can use to put a wager on your challenges keeping it risk-free and fun for all ages. Every registered user is given 100 UROn coins to start challenging your friends. Are YOU up for a Challenge?!

For Media Enquiries Contact:

Gary Yentin 


Google Reigns Supreme: Becomes #1 Player in Mobile App Advertising According to AppsFlyer’s Performance Index

AppsFlyer, the global attribution leader, today released the 10th edition of its Performance Index. Google hit the #1 spot in the power ranking (Measuring both quantity and quality of app installs) for the first time since AppsFlyer launched the Index in 2015. The search giant’s success can be largely attributed to its performance on Android and its App Campaigns product.

Facebook Remains the Top Performer for Retargeting

Low retention and high uninstall rates across the industry are driving app marketers to increase their retargeting efforts: The second half of 2019 showed a 20% increase in the number of apps running retargeting campaigns compared to H1.

Facebook is in a league of its own in AppsFlyer’s Retargeting Index, thanks to unrivaled targeting capabilities and its proven Dynamic Ads product. Facebook also dominated iOS with the #1 power ranking in 17 out of 19 global segments in the Performance Index across gaming and non-gaming categories.

Google may be second when it comes to retargeting, but it’s growing faster with a 44% rise in its share of the retargeting pie, compared to Facebook’s 5% increase.

Google’s success in the Performance Index can mostly be attributed to its stronghold on Android, with the #1 position in 16 of 23 global rankings across gaming and non-gaming categories. On Android, Google has increased inventory and improved measurability across its numerous assets, generating significant scale and top quality.

Covering the second half of 2019, the 10th edition of AppsFlyer’s Performance Index is the most segmented to date with 252 segments sliced by region, platform, and category (including new categories such as Finance, Entertainment, Travel, Photography, and multiple Gaming genres). Overall, Edition X covers 25 billion installs, and 52 billion app opens of over 16,000 apps.

App Promo Named a Leading Marketing Firm in Canada

Here at App Promo, we know it can seem challenging for a new company to provide effective marketing services for their new app. That’s where we can help! We’re experts at rooting ideas in the business strategy to launch an app and properly set it up for success. From PR and social media, to paid media and promotions, our team is sure to have your app downloaded in no time at all.

In recognition of our efforts, we’ve been named one of the best marketing resources for apps by Clutch, a verified market research firm!

This award is dedicated to our wonderful clients, who helped get this far. They took time out of to evaluate our services with Clutch representatives. They looked into the quality of our deliverables, attention to schedules, our project management, as well as our cost-efficiency. We’re happy to say that we’ve maintained 4.9 out of five stars in light of that feedback! Take a look at one of our recent reviews below:

“We are very proud to be recognized as a leader in our field in Canada, it means a lot to our team.”                                                                                           – App Promo Leadership Team

App Promo has also been recognized by Clutch’s sister site, The Manifest, a business data and company ranking resource. They include us on their leading Canada marketing agencies list for 2020.

We’re proud to receive this award and look forward to helping more client launch successful apps for years to come. Drop us a line if you’d like to learn about our award-winning methodology.




Clutch Reveals the Highest-Ranking B2B Companies in Canada in New 2020 Report and @AppPromo is on the list! |

Clutch’s list ranks companies based on their industry expertise and ability to deliver high-quality products for their clients.

WASHINGTON, DC – January 27, 2020 –  Clutch named 450 companies as the top B2B companies in Canada today. Clutch is the leading B2B ratings and reviews platform and is based in downtown Washington, D.C.Top B2B companies canada

The selection methodology for being named a Clutch Leader takes into account a number of factors, including the types of services the company offers, its awards, and its brand reputation. Clutch also factors in the number, quality, and recency of companies’ client reviews.

Clutch collects detailed reviews on companies through both in-depth phone interviews with former clients and a comprehensive online review form.

The most commonly offered services among the 450 companies are mobile app development (11%), web design (11%), and search engine optimization (10%).

Clutch’s research is ongoing and Clutch encourages Canadian companies to create a profile now for a chance to be ranked on next year’s list of leaders.

“Clutch selected these leaders based on a variety of factors, but the primary consideration is high-quality feedback from their clients,” said Clutch Analyst Josh Lank. “These companies have shown they can provide exceptional customer service while skillfully fulfilling their clients’ needs.”



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