TIP: Split Test Your Facebook Ads

Split test your ads on Facebook by making slight modifications to your original ad concept. Often times running the same ad copy and call to action with a different image can produce completely different results. Make the change and watch the reports to analyze the impact and keep those that work. Don’t settle for anything less than 0.03% CTR but also dont’ pull the ad too early. Give it at least 50 clicks before you make the call.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.

What’s in a Name? Everything!

ASO 5-Part Series: Part 2 – App Name

It goes without saying that the name of your app is extremely critical. It is the first place metadata is collected for all search engines and will be the branding for your product for its existence (unless you are brave enough to risk a rebranding which could result in a loss of users). It also factors into the decision making process a potential downloader uses to decide whether to get your app

Naming your app is one of the most exciting steps of application development. Often publishers have an idea of what they want to call their app even before it is developed. The initial reaction with a name is to get creative and make it personal but this is the exact opposite of what you should do if you wish to optimize discoverability for your app.

When determining the name for your app you will want to be less emotional and more logical. You will also want to err on the simpler and straightforward side of things. Your name should reflect the functionality of your app in some way.

The best place to start when considering a name for your app is to make a list of search terms your potential users will use to find an app that has functionality like yours. You can create this list of keywords by doing some research yourself and leaning on some digital tools for some help.

Research Resources

  1. App Store Search – Go to the app store and search for apps that are similar to you. What words do you find yourself using? What terms are bringing up results?
  2. Google Search (or other Online Search Engines) – Similar to the app store search, use online search engines to help you determine what search terms you are using and what search terms produce results for brands and sites and apps that are similar to yours.
  3. Ask People – Ask people what terms they would use to search for your app. Also ask them to describe your app and even go as far as ask them to give it a name. Be sure not to just ask friends and family but other people in your network.
  4. Competition – Look to the competitors in your category to see what terms they are using and use them as inspiration for your potential name list. Look at both their names and their product descriptions.

Online Tools

  1. Google Keyword Tool – Using the Google Keyword tool you can either enter the URL of a company or brand that is similar to yours to be presented with possible keywords or enter a starting term to get some suggestions in return.
  2. AppStoreRankings.net – AppStoreRankings is a great resource to use for creating metadata for your app. This premium online tool let’s you spy on your competitors and also helps you understand which keywords will perform best in the app store environment by associating a traffic score to each.
  3. AppNique – Like AppStoreRankings, this company offers premium services to help provide suggestions for search terms for your app.

Starting with a list of keywords will help ensure that your app is rooted in search – a key discovery method for users. It will also help make sure that your app name is incorporating terminology which people attribute to your app’s main functions. In addition, you will be able to leverage this list for your product description which we will tackle in a later article in this series (Part 5).

Once you have this list of keywords, you can use them to create a name. In some cases, using some of the actual keywords in the name will make better sense. For example, if your app is a calculator app then you will most likely want to include the words calculator or numbers or math in the app name. For other app categories, like in the case of games, you may wish to use these keywords as more of a sub-title. For example Move and Shake – a Puzzle Game for Kids.

Using a sub-title in your name is a great strategy to include more metadata for your app but will also help to clarify an app that is given a more creative name for branding purposes.

Choosing the right name is a critical component of application development. With the help of this ASO exercise, you will improve your chance of selecting a name that will work for you rather than work against you.

TIP: Marketing is Not a One-Time Thing…Keep It Going

Unless your app is related to a one-time event, your marketing needs to be more than just a big splash at launch. Make sure you create and maintain a marketing strategy that continues to work for the life of your app. Schedule announcements. Align contests and promotions with calendar events and holidays. Keep your social networks alive by communicating often.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.

TIP: Be Your Own Promoter

Word of mouth is still the most powerful type of marketing we have in today’s technologically advanced world. Make sure that you are spreading the word about your app to everyone you come into contact. Add a download call to action in your email signature. Put a QR code on your business cards, mailings and other paper collateral. Anywhere you now have a web URL make sure you also have your app mentioned as well.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.

TIP: Change Your Icon to Mark Holidays or Events

Your app icon is a powerful marketing vehicle. Don’t be afraid to update your app to reflect seasons, events and holidays to mark the occasion and add to some homescreen excitement for the user. Bundle these icon updates with your app releases. Have some fun, but be caeful not to steer too far away from your original icon people so you don’t confuse them.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.

The Little App Developer That Could [INFOGRAPHIC]

The results from this year’s Annual App Developer Survey showed the tenacity and long term success of app developers.

81% of app developers said that they would not abandon their app despite the same amount not making enough money to support a standalone business. Like last year, app developers are having a hard time breaking even with their app, but we saw that those developers that stick it out and market their app (3 years+) are seeing some great success, some earning over $500,000+.

The tenacity and long term success reminded us of the story the Little Engine that Could which inspired this year’s Infographic found below.

For a full review of results from our 2013 App Developer Survey, download our Free white paper “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”.

The Importance Of App Store Optimization

ASO 5-Part Series: Part 1 – What is ASO

Discovery is one of the major challenges for any app developer regardless of platform. Being able to be found and stand out in the sea of applications is critical to success for an application. This is getting more and more difficult as more and more apps go live each day.

The app stores were created to aid developers in discovery of their applications but as app inventory continues to grow at a rapid pace, they are unable to assist all of the applications in the same way they did when smartphone and tablet apps first launched back in 2008.

It has become more and more important for developers and app publishers to take matters into their own hands and market their applications to increase visibility to improve downloads for their application.

One of the ways that app developers can better the discovery of their app is through optimization of their product page within the app store. This is called ASO or App Store Optimization. The goal of ASO is to enhance the major product page elements to improve search discovery, increase chances of standing out in a list view and better the salability of the page to convert to download or purchase.

App Store Optimization touches upon all elements of your app’s product page – your name, category, icon, screenshots and even the product description & keywords you use to describe and sell your app.

The key concept behind ASO is to take a look at these elements from a user’s perspective to ensure that they are working hard to market and sell your app. In essence, ASO makes sure that your product page elements are clear, convincing as well as creative. It strives to remove any ambiguity in what your product offers and attempts to cut through the noise around you to ensure that your app can rise above the rest whether a user finds your app in search results or views it in a category list.

To perform App Store Optimization you need to look to your competitors, your users and employ the use of some key app tools. In this 5-part series, we will be breaking down the steps to perform App Store Optimization to improve the performance of your name, app icon, screenshots and your product description.

The benefits of ASO are great:

  • Improve search results and immediate app comprehension within app store lists with an optimized name
  • Take advantage of app ranking opportunities through our category and sub-category recommendations
  • Improve brand recall and rapid app comprehension and increase conversion with icon & screenshots suggestions
  • Increase salability and improve search discovery with a SEO focused Product Description

We hope to get you thinking about your product page as not just a bunch of last minute elements required to get your app live upon submission, but rather some key and free marketing opportunities which you have at your disposal to better the chance of app success.

TIP: Use Your App Store Product Page as a Marketing Opportunity

Your app store app page is not just a mandatory step in the submisison process…it’s a key marketing opportunity. Make sure to maximize the description and screenshot areas by using the given characters and screen options. This is your chance to sell that user on why they should tap to download, so use it.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.

@App-Promo presentation #mbootcamp 5/25/13 Toronto, ON

Screen Shot 2013-05-25 at 4.33.22 PMThanks for all those who attended the #mbootcamp today in Toronto, Ontario.  As promised, please find enclosed a link to the presentation deck. As a thank you for all those who attended, if you download the deck and follow us @Apppromo, a random draw will be made and some will win a free @Apppromo ASO Package.  See it pays to listen 🙂 

TIP: Toot Your Own Horn

Did you reach number on in your category? Have you increased your user base by 200% in a short amount of time. Are you seeing more mobile usage in your app than your site? Announce all of your wins! Use them as a core part of your continued app marketing. Including a statistic or a number in your release will increase it’s effectiveness.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.


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