TIP: SEO As Part of a Long Term Marketing Solution

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is extremely important when it comes to discoverability of your application. Optimizing keywords on your website and in your app store description is the first step but remember that SEO takes time. A successful SEO strategy could take up to 3 months to really come into effect but is well worth the wait.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.

Ad-Tech NYC 2013 Presentation-A Case History on How to Successfully Launch a Digital Magazine

@Apppromo successfully presented to a packed house at Adtech New York 2013 on Nov 6th -A Case History on How to Successfully Launch a Digital Magazine- Travel + Escape for our client Blue Ant Media.  The response was great and we would like to share our presentation with all those who attended and those who were not able to attend!  Enjoy the presentation and download a demo copy of the magazine! TE Presentation


TIP: Build a Mobile Version of Your Web Marketing Page

Consider creating a mobile optimized marketing page for your application which isn’t simply a stripped down version of your web page. Search engines are now ranking pages differently for mobile search versus web search which include factors like overall site performance, screen rendering, download speed  and useability. A site which is built for mobile will rank higher in search results than a website that was reformatted to fit on a smaller screen.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.

TIP: Pricing Changes Will Get Picked Up by App Sale Sites

Apps are apps and apps go on sale. If you have a premium application consider sales and promotions as a great way to increase downloads and usage. Also there are many app price watching sites (and even apps) that will pick up a change in your pricing and feature this to the public.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.

TIP: Include the Press Release in Body of Email

When sending out your press release via email, make sure that you include the press release in the email body as well as attaching it to the email. Unwanted email attachments are rarely opened so you often have one shot to convince the user to read more in the body of the email. Your goal should be to ensure that the recipient of the email has a greater chance of reading the content that you are distributing which will therefore increase the chance of pick-up, especially if your release is properly written.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.

TIP: Things to Remember When Writing a Press Release

Keep your press release effective but brief. 400-500 words is typically the length of a press release. You will want the headline and the first paragraph to be as descriptive as possible and give us much information as you needed for the user to understand what the release is all about. Don’t feel like you need to go into a laundry list of app features for your release. Focus on the features that are most effecively going to tell the story that are writing.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.

TIP: Personalise Emails to Maximize Media Reaction

Send your most coveted journalists or bloggers a personal email with the press release and include a short paragraph on why you feel this story is for them. Make sure that your subject line is also catchy so that your email will be opened. You could try to include the publication name and the author name to really hit home that this is not a mass email. Leveraging your story as a developer or an app publisher will go along way to helping the blogger or media rep construct a story which they will want to publish.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.



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