How to market your mobile site or app without spending a fortune on ads

@App Promo was recently interviewed by Andy Favell, ClickZ columnist on mobile on the topic of App store optimization.  Enclosed is a short extract of the full article which can be found at:

App store optimization (ASO)  is the equivalent of SEO for native apps. It is partly about how the app ranks when people search the store of a relevant app and partly about how compelling it appears to the user.

  • App store rankings are believed to be influenced by numerous things including title, description, keywords, popularity – downloads and continued use – reviews and frequency of updates.
  • Users are influenced by icon, title, description, including quality of screenshots and videos used, and reviews.

Done effectively, app store optimization should deliver better long-term results than paid advertising.

Gary Yentin, CEO and Founder, App-Promo, Toronto:

Currently, ASO has the best return on investment (ROI) but that is over time. For immediate impact, paid media delivers the best ROI.

However ROI of paid advertising varies. It depends both on what the life-time value (LTV) of the customer is, and when the paid media campaign is launched.

Paid media acquisition costs vary with supply and demand and tend to be higher in Q4 (during the holiday season).

ASO tends to deliver better ROI since rates and inventory are not subject to this fluctuation and it delivers longer term results.

Test, test and test again 

Digital marketing is an imprecise science because every situation is different. This makes it essential that marketing programs are constantly measured and tweaked to maximize optimal results.

Gary Yentin:

It’s important to plan early and have a sufficient budget allocated, and test, test, test. It not terrible to make a mistake. If the budget allows for testing, you can then learn and make changes towards a successful campaign.