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Wednesday, 6th March

DX3 Canada

App-Promo is proud to be speaking at DX3 in Toronto, Ontario on March 6th, 2013 for two sessions. Check out the sessions below and we look forward to seeing you there!

5 Things You Have to Know: Mobile- March 6,2013  11:15-12:05
To some, this is the year of Mobile. No, really. They’re serious this time. But that’s a little like saying, “This is the year of the internet”, isn’t it? What part of mobile will be the first to emerge? Will it be mobile search? Mobile transactions? Mobile ads? Mobile-friendly websites? Make sure you’re ready for a mobile economy. Focus on the important stuff, all of which will be shared at this session.
Gary Yentin, App Promo
Corrie Rabey, Ipos Reid


There’s an App for Profit. How to make an app that makes money-March 6,2013 13:00-13:50
All across the country, senior managers are sending instructions from the corner office: “We need an app.” But what’s the point if the app sucks resources and budget from real money making ventures? There’s a way to do it profitably. This session will detail how.
Gary Yentin, App Promo

Location: Toronto, Ontario

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