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Wednesday, 27th March

Discoverability: How to Get Noticed in Stores Overflowing with Apps

6:00pm - 8:30pm

App-Promo is proud to be speaking at the Application Developers Alliance event on Discoverability: How to Get Noticed in Stores Overflowing with Apps. Join us on Wed March 27th at Yelp’s headquarters in San Francisco -706 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA, 94103 from 6:00 pm-8;30pm PST.  Best of all the event is Free! thanks to the Application Developers Alliance and Yelp!

If an app drops in the store and no one is around to see it, does it make a profit? The answer is no, and therein lies one of the major challenges facing application developers today.

Developers can make the most innovative app of the year or perhaps the decade, but if consumers cannot find it because of marketing obstacles, all of the engineering prowess will be for naught. What good is an angry bird without gamers to fling it from a slingshot or an Instagram without amateur photographers to capture nostalgic memories and share them?

The Application Developers Alliance Emerging Technology & Research Working Group is working diligently to answer this question for developers. Join us for a presentation of the latest information on how to get your app noticed, climb app store search results, and grow your business. We’ll be presenting our findings, hearing expert insight and analysis from the industry’s leaders, and answering your questions to help you grow your business.

All attendees will be enrolled in the Application Developers Alliance. Check out DevsBuild.Itfor resources to grow and build your app business.

Join us for a presentation and discussion with:

Jarah Euston, Director of Analytics at Flurry (Moderator/Presenter)

Alex Moazed, President & CEO at Applico

Gary Yentin, CEO and Founder at App-Promo

Joel Emans, Attorney at Hughes Media Law Group



6:00-6:30pm – Registration, food, and welcome remarks

6:30-7:00pm – Whitepaper presentation by Jarah Euston, Director of Analytics at Flurry

7:00-8:00pm – Panel discussion and audience Q&A

8:00-8:30pm – Networking


Location: San Francisco, California

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