TIP: Add a Personal Note When Submitting Your App

Although the app submission process is automated, add a personal touch by leaving a personal note in the release notes area of your submission. Highlight what you feel sets you apart. Indicate what new APIs you may have used. Give the reviewers on the other end a reason to remember your app, it could work in your favor.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.

TIP: Don’t Waste Keywords When Submitting

iOS applications only allow for 100 characters for your keywords when submitting your app. This poses quite a challenge when you have a list of words you would like to include. To give yourself room, don’t enter words that are already in your app name as your name will already be counted as metadata. Additionally, there is no need for spaces between commas in your list which should help free up some more space.

Every Tuesday App Promo will be providing tips on app marketing and promoting applications based on their experience leading marketing campaigns for applications across platform. These tips are like regular marketing vitamins aimed to boost discovery and visibility for app publishers to better succeed in the business of their apps.

TIP: Choose the Right Screenshots to Sell Your App

The old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words has never been truer than in the app store. Apart from your icon, your screenshots are the only other visual the user has to make their decision on downloading. Avoid wasting shots on loading screens and head right into showing your content and functionality. Put screenshots in sequence of what sets you apart first rather than trying to be true to the flow of the app. If your USP is video then put video first. And don’t bother with your loading screen, unless it is something really out of the box to showcase.

TIP: Choose your Category Strategically to Help Users Find You

Do your homework when it comes time to choose the category your application will be placed in within the app store. You want to consider both the logical choice as well as where you will make the most impact. Take a look at where you competition is and is not. If your app straddles a line between two categories and you feel one has less competition, use that as an opportunity to stand out.

TIP: Create a Wave of Activity to Spike Downloads

Spread out your app releases and marketing efforts to spike download and usage activity, especially if you find yourself in the charts. Timing is key for marketing and you will want to make sure that you don’t waste valuable marketing opportunities on an overstimulated audience. Don’t be afraid to let your chart rank or buzz come down a bit before you hit the market with another reason to use your application.

TIP: Design your App Icon to Stand Out From the Crowd

Your app icon, in many ways, is as important if not more important than your app name. It has the most real estate in the app stores and especially on a user’s homescreen. Make sure to spend the effort and the resources on your app icon so that it will compel users to download and open your app. Keep it simple. Avoid too much text. And be creative.

TIP: Only Send Users to Your Download Page

Using your app store app page as the destination for your marketing is a smart idea but one problem is visibility of traffic to this page. Increase your monitoring by using a link shortening & tracking service like bit.ly or create a page re-direct from your own website. Not only will you be able to better understand how many people checked out your app page, you will have created a much smaller and better looking URL to use for marketing purposes (especially Twitter).

TIP: Get Rated to Move Up the Charts

Downloads are the first step but its usage that the app stores are starting to look at to build their charts and features. Increase your ratings and reviews by building in areas in your app to request this from your users. Update your “About” or “Info” area with a call to action to “Rate us” or be more aggressive by creating a pop-up which asks users to give feedback.

App Store Optimisation: Write an effective product description

Your product description is arguably the most difficult of all of the product page assets to put together. It’s no wonder than that most app publishers only bother to write one or two sentences in this field when they usually have up to 4,000 characters. Writing about your product can be a challenge, especially when you’re faced with a blank page and you’re more inclined to write code than marketing copy. Luckily, we’ve created a formula which can help you create an effective product description which is aimed to sell your app and gain the download.

Start with your search terms

Before we break down the formula, the first thing you’ll want to do is refer back to the list of search terms that you created when considering a name for your app (App Store Optimisation # 2 – What’s in a name? Everything!) Your product description is a great place to use any or all of these search terms, as long as they make sense within the copy. This will help ensure that your product description not only provides an effective explanation to potential downloaders on why they should download your app, but your product description will also be working to attract traffic to this page through these search terms.

Use all available characters

It is important to maximise all available characters in the product description. Additionally, you should make use of features such as embedding video. Investing in a YouTube video to demo your app, or getting a video review site to review your app and using this in your description, are some great ways to use the free tools that app stores are providing you.

Five elements for a great product description

So what makes up a great product description? It all comes down to five key elements:

The elevator pitch.

The pricing statement.

Reviews or user feedback; or the News section.

Features and functions.

The sales pitch.

The elevator pitch is a short, succinct description of your app that answers these questions:

What is your app?

What does it do?

Why should I care?

Why are you different?

We call this the elevator pitch because you should be able to articulate this in a few sentences, two or three sentences at the most. Readers should be able to get a clear picture of what your app is all about and most importantly, why they should download it from this statement. If this was the only thing they were able to read about your app, it should compel them to download it. This is why your product description will start with this statement.

The pricing statement articulates the costs associated with the app. If it is free then state this – even if it is also obvious from the pricing label in the app store. This area becomes increasingly important when your app is using a freemium model. In this way, you’ll be setting expectation for the user that your app is free to download but that there are premium areas offered inside they need to be aware of. By clarifying the pricing upfront, you’ll reduce the number of downloads which will result in customer complaints.

The review or news area is a great spot in the product description to pull out a comment or rating from users, app store review sites, or even chart success from the app store. This area helps balance out the marketing copy you are creating as the app owner, with feedback from credible and more social resources that potential downloaders will listen to as part of that community.

The features and functions section is an obvious addition to the product description. In this area, we suggest that you list out the main features of your app. Using an actual ordered list will make it easy to read in the product description. Here, you’ll want to focus on the core elements of your app and highlight those that make your app differentiated in the market. As you grow your product roadmap, you’ll want to keep this list updated in your description.

Finally, the sales pitch is the last statement in your description. This statement should echo again the reason why users should download your app. It‘s also an area to market your website, social networks, videos, and any other apps that you want to include as part of your brand or product offering.

One last tip to remember once you have your product description up and live in the app store is that your product description should not remain static. You should revisit your product description with every product update to make sure that your copy reflects new features. In addition, any news or new ratings, reviews or successes should be celebrated here.

Good luck!

Offering Your Apps for Pre-Order

Build excitement for your new app by making it available for pre-order. Your product page will be published on the App Store and customers can order your app before it’s released for download.  New apps on all Apple platforms can be made available for pre-order when you submit your app and metadata for review in App Store Connect. When you opt in, you’ll choose a download release date that’s two to 90 days in the future. Once your app is released for download, customers are notified and it will automatically download to their device within 24 hours.


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